Bulbulaa Tufaa | February 26, 2015

Finfinnee Master Plan is in reality designed to mass exterminate Oromo farmers and partition Oromia Region into two segments.
In the first half of the 20th century on the continent of Europe, Fascism in Italy and Nazism (national Sozialismus) in Germany had erupted and claimed to lead socialist governments. The leaders of Nazism and Fascism pretended to dictate themselves to their peoples’ national interest, national cause, national wellbeing, national purpose and all in all to their peoples national goal.
In the first half of the 21st century, Ethiopian Nazi-Fascism under the leadership of TPLF-Tigray of Ethiopia emerged and gripped on power, by overthrowing the “Itiyophiya tikidem” regime of Col. Mengistu Hailemariam, The Nazi TPLF leadership, which is now and then, supported by the USA and UK, in particular, pledged to establish a democratic government whereby those ethnically so diverse peoples in the Empire would be governed on the basis of federal arrangement. Accordingly, sham regional governments were established following the communist era of the Soviet style. Based on the Soviet model, a Tigre man is routinely posted in every regional office and controls the activities of regions and local administrations. Without the final approval of the assigned Tigre man, the surrogate OPDO officials cannot issue even a single letter of their own independent mind nor can they take their independent decision to be implemented.
On the other face, Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany had attempted to draw the whole population of their respective nations, using socialism as a cheating mechanism. TPLF-Tigray of Ethiopia has also deceived the peoples in the Empire by taking and preaching two important words from government’s theory of principle: democracy and federalism. Even Habasha’s traditional politico-military advisers and economic supporters of the West, notably UK and USA, did not get the initial promise of TPLF in the fields of the Empire except in ammunition depot.
The establishment of democratically organized governance on the graveyard of the fled away ‘tikidem’ regime of Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam has been nullified and voided. Notwithstanding, the USA and UK in particular, continue to support Nazi TPLF-Tigray regime of Ethiopia to protect their substantive politico-military interest. The regime in Addis Ababa, being commander in-Chief of “anti-terrorism” in the Horn of Africa and a “peace keeping” force on the continent, has been zealously serving to implement USA and its satellites’ “Favourable New World Order” strategy in the Red Sea region.
Nazi TPLF’s Abrogation of Its Constitution
On a piece of paper, Nazi-TPLF regime pledged to respect any decision made by regional states pertaining to their internal affair and local administration. This has been beautifully adorned by the constitution it threw to the people. In article 39 of its constitution, for example, TPLF has clearly stated how each regional state has full right to secession and be able to form an independent country of its own. Opposite to this, however, TPLF-Tigreanism of Ethiopia, both in essence and in action, is proved to be a political system of Fascism and Nazism where the rule of law becomes the only rule of terror, the elimination and suppression of democratically organised groups, where outstanding leaders are either brutally suppressed, incarcerated, exiled or killed.
Just like Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany had done, Nazi TPLF- Tigray leadership of Ethiopia marshals the total resources of the country behind its Nazi-fascist government. It controls every resources of the Empire from the centre to the periphery and channels everything to the development of its homeland, ‘Independent Tigray’. Thus, by Conclusion, Nazi-Fascism is proved to be the only system of government TPLF-Tigray of Ethiopia has to solely rely on. Otherwise, its existence in Finfinnee will be severely jeopardised and may go beyond Finfinnee to cripple the survival right of ‘Independent Tigray’.
Nazi knows No Concession or Compromise
The question of compromise or concession on common goal for common advantage is totally out of Habasha’s traditional political culture. Their authoritarian political culture is grounded on the deadly principle of no concession and no compromise. They hold annihilation and elimination as the only viable way of life. For Fascism and Nazism, too, the feasible form of international organisation or national association is neither by compromise nor by concession but only by victory, annihilation and elimination.
Nazi’s Racial Theory and Practice
Nazi’s racial theory and its parallel supporting theory was Aryan-Germanism. By the same token, TPLF Tigray’s racial theory and its practical implementation are Tigreanism, at supra-ideological level and Ethiopianism at advantage level.
Hitler’s theory of Lebensraum which denotes the creation of enough space for the growing German population constitutes one of the kernel parts of his “national Sozialismus”, a propaganda tool he effectively used to rally people behind him. The question of Lebensraum was repeatedly hammered on as a necessity to be conquered and achieved.
How the Nazi intended to achieve Lebensraum out of Germany’s Territory?
The ideology of Aryan-Germanism, as a rational superior ideology was adopted and attempted to be implemented. Using this erroneous ideology, Hitler had murdered and butchered those peoples he considered were culture destroyers and inferiors.
TPLF Nazi leaders’ creation of Lebensraum for the destitute population of the district of Tigray and the provision of lebensmittel (food) has been imposed on the people as a national ideology to be followed. Soon after TPLF, assisted by Shabiya EPLF, came to substitute the century old Amhara Neftegna rule, it put all resources of the Empire under its control. Thereafter, TPLF leaders declared in Amharic: Tigray kengidih temellisa attirabim, meaning, Tigray will not die of hunger anymore.
To keep Tigray away from lack of physiological and mental nourishment, the ideology of “Greater Tigray” for the endogamous band of Tigray folks has been Nazified. Thenceforth, the ideology of Greater Tigreanism has inhumanly embarked on slaughtering those peoples it considers are ‘garbage’. The creation of enoughLebensraum (space) and the provision of surplus Lebensmittel (food) has become TPLF’s fundamental struggle. Hence, the Addis Ababa Master Plan must be blended to the maxim of the Lebensraum, which is diabolic in nature. It is fascistically architected to resettle closed and endogamous folks around Finfinnee so as to bring into existence providence and permanent luxury for them.
Abbay Tsehaye’s Nazi–fascistic Tones
Abbay Tsehaye, The Goebbles of Nazi-TPLF regime of Ethiopia in the 21st century
Who is Abbay Tsehaye? He was formerly a minister of federal affairs and now one of the top advisers of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. He was also head of the Addis Ababa Master plan designers when Kuma Dammaqsa was the mayor of the city.
Kuma Dammaksa (OPDO), Nazi TPLF’s right hand and Abbya Tsehaye’s senior office boy in the municipality of Addis Ababa at the time of designing the Addis Ababa Master Plan. The photo show here when he was making speech on the funeral of his master, Mele Zenawi. |
In his recent speech, Abbay Tsehaye, on a meeting he has summoned together in Hawasa city, has delivered a diabolic propaganda speech against Oromo people. He appealed to his likes to rally behind him in accomplishing the genocidal war his fascist government has declared on the Oromos. He strongly underlined to crash those Oromos who may intend to resist the implementation of “ Integrated Master Plan”.
In his speech, Abbay Tsehaye unambiguously exposed how his government is a Nazi-fascist regime; how he himself is Ethiopia’s diabolic chief of genocide. He directly says in Amharic, “If they do not accept and implement the Master Plan, “likki innasgebbachewallen,—yistegebberal….”, meaning, we will punish them, finish them off. The Master Plan shall be uncompromisingly implemented “(OMN Nerws; Febuary 14, 2015)
“Tigren [Habasha] attimenu bimil bigezziti, Kiristinna anstew Kubeen geddeluti” (Kibroom Aseffa Molla. In: YeRaya Hizb Bahil inna Tarik. Tikimt 2005, p.103)
“Never trust Tigre men/women even if they swear or excommunicate themselves. That, they killed Kubee [One of the Raya Oromo community leaders during King Yonnes VI of Tigray] after converting him to Christianity.” (Translation: Mein).
From the very beginning, Habasha’s (Amhara-Tigray) common national interest has been the seeking of the total demise of the Oromo people. It has, without interruption, been practised by successive Habasha Kings like Tewodros, Yohanes IV, Minilik II, HailesellaseI, Col. Mengistu Hailemariam and now by the TPLF led Abbay Tsehaye’s Nazi regime.
With no hesitation or remorse, Habasha scholars and Debteras have also been writing in their book of history, calling the Oromo, “Gallas”, as the bloodiest enemy of their Habasha people, Amhara-Tigray (See Aleqa Kidanewold Kifle: 1948 E.C).
By keeping on hating and detesting the Oromos, Habasha elites and their clergymen are the major causes for the erosion of peace and stability in the region. That is why, in the history of Habasha–Oromo relationship, a common interest, good neighbourliness or common worldview has not been able to be consummated. Past centuries blind hatred is re-testified in this first half of the 21st century by Abbay Tsehaye, TPLF-Tiray’s Nazi chief of genocide. Therefore, the question is, can cosmetic changes be a panacea to heal the heavily inflicted wounds of the Oromo nation?
Calling for the resignation of chief of the genocide, the making of Afaan Oromoo an auxiliary federal language, the begging for the establishment of “Oromo cultural Centre” in ADDIS ABABA, shouting for free and fair election being under the gunpoint of the Nazi control, is dead rhetoric. They do not help either in liberating the Oromo from the Nazi regime or in empowering them to govern their own internal affairs, leave alone to run the affairs of the Empire. Dwelling on these issues as a national panacea is no more workable. It has officially been buried down by the recent speech and action of the regime’s diabolic chief of propaganda, Abbay Tsehaye.
Then, what should Oromos do as a last resort in order to get-healed the endangered survival right on their ancestral homeland? Should they, from every walk of life, prepare themselves for the worst scenario marching against them?
In our life time, we have seen the exhaustion of all venues of peaceful struggle, peaceful dialogue, and peaceful co-existence with Habshas in the Ethiopian Empire but with no avail at all. For the Oromos, the choice is only one and one. It cannot be two or more. That is, to get back their God-given natural right and the invaded ancestral homeland by paying common-sacrifice for the common cause.
The Oromo youths, the Qeerroo, are paying valorous price right now. They are directly facing Abbay Tsehaye’s Nazi bullets. Hence, Qeerroos’ just struggle should be genuinely endorsed and supported. They are marching to the bright future road for the total liberation of Oromia from the collective rule of Habasha Nazism.
May our Almighty Waaqa help them prevail over the diabolic tones of Abbay Tsehaye, whose speech and action represent the Nazi system of the Empire!
Bulbulaa Tufaa
Residents in Finfinne ‘enjoying 11%’ country growth, photo in 2014