The hypocrisy of foreign funding laws in Ethiopia
April 29, 2014 (Open
Democracy) — In the constantly shrinking space for civil society around
the world, Ethiopia faces some enormous challenges in generating local
support. Largely due to the country’s new CSO Proclamation, which
severely restricts foreign funding of rights groups, human rights work
in the country has nearly shut down. But can local donors pick up the
Across the globe, the space for Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs) to operate is rapidly shrinking. In fact, the US
Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, recently lamented that
over the past five years
at least 40 countries have
embraced legislation restricting access to foreign funding and limiting
the legitimate activities of CSOs. Similarly, a 2013
report by CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, concludes that many governments are failing to honour their promise to create an “
enabling environment”
for civil society. Dozens of other countries, under the pretence of
safeguarding national security and state sovereignty, have proposed
similar laws to unduly temper the influence of independent
Recently on openGlobalRights,
Saskia Brechenmacher and Thomas Carothers noted
that while dependence on foreign donors for human rights work is high,
many governments are not only restricting but also vilifying domestic
CSOs who receive foreign assistance. Indeed, as
Melaku Mulualem pointed
out, when the Kenyan government attempted to place heavy restrictions
on NGO foreign funding, they portrayed local NGOs as “money scavengers”
and agents of foreign intervention. As local funds have yet to
materialize in significant amounts, these interventions are creating an
environment in which many local human rights organizations are simply
shutting down. In this shrinking space,
James Ron and Archana Pandya argue
that human rights NGOs must find different ways to market their work,
so that local populations are more inspired to support them.
Okeoma Ibe strongly
advocates for local support for local rights, arguing that NGOs
throughout the global South must distance themselves from international
funding to avoid being hamstrung by external demands. But can local
donors actually pick up the slack?
Ethiopia is no exception to
these government restrictions and domestic funding challenges. In fact,
it has one of the most debilitating laws in the world for civil society
operations. The country received nearly $4 billion in
development aid from
the US and other western countries in 2013, arguably due to its
strategic and military importance. However, while relying on
international funding to supplement
50-60 percent of its national budget, the government has criminalized most foreign funding for human rights groups. Under the
CSO Proclamation,
organizations working on a number of human rights issues, including the
advancement of democratic rights, rule of law and the promotion of the
rights of children and the disabled, can only receive 10 percent of
their budget from foreign funding.
Such blanket restrictions have precipitated
the near complete cessation of organized human rights activity in the
country. While official figures put the number of the registered CSOs at
4000 – a remarkably low figure for a country with a population nearing
100 million – several Ethiopian civil society activists working in the
capital contend that no more than three independent human rights
organizations actually remain.
Even then, the few organizations that have
refused to abandon their human rights activities in exchange for access
to international funding have been forced to make crippling cutbacks. In
2010, the
Human Rights Council (HRCO),
Ethiopia’s first and only remaining human rights monitoring group,
closed nine of its twelve offices and cut 85 per cent of its staff. At
the same time, Ethiopia’s most prominent women’s rights group, the
Ethiopian Women’s Lawyers Association (EWLA), was forced to cut 70 per
cent of its staff.
International human rights organizations are
further barred from working in Ethiopia under the CSO Proclamation.
Representatives of the global human rights group Amnesty International
were summarily expelled from
the country last year despite having a secured a business visa. In
addition, representatives of other international human rights
organizations have reported being denied entry upon arrival.
In response to growing international
criticism of the law, the Ethiopian government, seemingly unconcerned by
the glaring hypocrisy of its dependence on international assistance
while criminalizing the same for human rights organizations, has
exhorted CSOs to seek greater domestic support to fund their operations.
However, severe limitations found in the CSO Proclamation on domestic
resource mobilization, as well as a strong contagion of fear about
supporting activist causes, have proved insurmountable hurdles to
financial “self-sufficiency.”
For example, Ethiopian CSOs must secure
explicit authorization from the Charities and Societies Agency – the
government authority tasked with overseeing implementation of the CSO
Proclamation – to organize a domestic fundraising event. Independent
organizations that manage to traverse the labyrinth of bureaucracy
erected by the Agency are regularly subjected to discriminatory
application of the law. In 2013, the Agency forced the Human Rights
Council (HRCO) to cancel a number of proposed fundraising events due to
repeated delays and outright rejected other applications.
law further stipulates that
CSOs submit detailed information of all benefactors and members to the
Agency. In a country that has the dubious distinction of having
the second highest number of
imprisoned journalists, according to the Committee to Protect
Journalists, and that regularly detains opposition party members and
human rights defenders, such requirements have become a strong deterrent
to securing financial support from Ethiopia’s growing middle class.
The Human Rights Council (HRCO) has reported a swift decline in
membership following the introduction of the CSO Proclamation while a
number of independent development groups have observed a growing
reticence among small business owners to openly support their work.
In addition, as
Osai Ojigho has
noted, the African continent in general has little history of donating
to social justice NGOs, and African philanthropists usually prefer to
donate to projects with tangible results like schools and hospitals.
These issues in combination with restrictive laws and a hostile
environment make the generation of local funds extremely difficult.
While considerable attention has been paid to
the debilitating effects of the CSO Proclamation on human rights
groups, development organizations permitted to receive foreign funding
have not been spared from the government’s campaign to silence all
independent monitoring and reporting of its policies. A number of
independent development organizations that do not have explicit human
rights mandates have reported severe obstruction by the government,
including instructions to cease any form advocacy or policy analysis and
focus exclusively on service delivery activities. Such restrictions
have left the country increasingly bereft of any independent assessment
of its development prerogatives and have further undermined Ethiopia’s
ability to ensure equitable and sustainable development for the entire
The drastic contraction of human rights
activity in Ethiopia precipitated by the 2009 CSO Proclamation is a
stark reminder of the severe democratic backsliding hastened by
restrictive NGO laws. While having local funds for local projects is
ideal, this solution is highly unlikely in the Ethiopian context. If the
government itself cannot function without international funds, it
cannot possibly expect civil society to do so, and that is exactly the
point. As the international community, including the UN Human Rights
Council, which just organized its
first ever formal discussion on civil society space,
debates rising restrictions on civil society across the world, it is
now especially crucial to underscore the duplicity of states that
receive significant amounts of foreign aid while simultaneously denying
CSOs the same privilege.
Source: Open Democracy