Atlanta’s Oromo Community Protesting Against The Tyrant Ethiopian Government And Challenging Cnn To Cover The Ongoing Crisis!

Georgia, 15 May 2014 (OromoTV) – We the Oromo Community of Atlanta,
Georgia gather at the CNN Headquarters to demand the Ethiopian
government immediately halt all the senseless killings of innocent
University students throughout Ethiopia. We ask CNN and its affiliates
as trusted and reliable sources of media to launch a diligent and timely
investigation on the current crisis in Ethiopia and draw attention to
the indiscriminate killings of innocent students. Furthermore, we demand
the Obama Administration unequivocally condemn the actions of the
Ethiopian Government and urgently take action to end the massacre!
Students are being murdered for peacefully protesting against the Addis
Ababa Master Plan which would expand the capital city and annex land
from farmers in the surrounding area. This planed annexation is in
violation of United Nations and African Union Charters on Human Rights.
According to reports from trusted sources, since April 25, 2014 as many
as 100 civilians have been murdered by government forces. In addition
500 have been injured, while over 5000 students have been detained at
unknown camps!
Ethiopia’s violation of human rights has been well known and
documented, however, as Oromo’s and United States citizens we can no
longer stand by as the future of Oromia (priceless students) are
destroyed by gun touting government forces. In addition the recent visit
by Secretary of State of John Kerry to show Ethiopia as a model
democracy is not only unacceptable it is irresponsible. Mr. Kerry was
present in Ethiopia while students were gunned down by Ethiopian forces
and he failed to raise awareness on this grave matter. Unfortunately,
CNN too failed to cover this important event in East Africa. Therefore,
we must raise awareness of the ongoing struggle and we ask CNN, its
affiliates, the Obama Administration, and various governing bodies of
the world to join us in our fight to end the senseless murder of
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