Minority Master Plan to cleanse Majority
In April, 2014 the current Oromia invader (minority based TPLF government) announced the new “Master Plan” proposed by Finfinne (Addis Ababa) City Administration. The so called plan was planned without having pilot discussion and/or consultation with potential stakeholders (Oromo people who are the dire owner of Finfinne, Oromo farmers who are surrounding the city of Finfinne, and Oromo leaders and intellectuals), and the systematic move and central aim of the plan is not to bring development or better living condition to Oromo’s. It’s simple to divide and disintegrate the Oromia region into many pieces, to kill the sense of ownership and disfranchise the Oromo people. To end, they are starting to implement Finfinne integrated plan to annex whole of Oromia under federal, and to make Oromo’s internally displaced people and refugee all over the world.
The emergence of a few nationalist and Oromo students’ protests played a decisive role in transforming the Oromo struggle and providing it with an organized and centralized leadership. Currently, #Oromostudentprotest against Ms.TPLF plan, its tyranny security forces crackdown the peaceful rally on university students, and using live bullets on them, according to local sources and international news agencies.
After live bullet and lethal chemical used on #oromostudents in Ambo, Mada-walabu, Wallagaa, Haromayaa, Jimma, Dire Dawa, Adama, and others towns which dozens have been shot dead and thousands arrested & taken to unknown places, and the peaceful rally shape itself into whole #Oromopeopleprotest and increasingly spread to diaspora Oromo’s in cities around the world and organizing peaceful rally in solidarity for #oromostudents, innocent Oromo farmers who will be badly affected by the new master plan, and to disseminate info’s about the ongoing killings, crackdowns and systematic invasion and create the awareness for human rights groups and individuals to make huge international impact through advocate for justice and equity for all. Peaceful demonstrators are calling upon the independent media houses to highlight the neglected issues of Oromo’s.
Ms.TPLF governance is very shallow. It based neither on the meaningful political principles, constitutionalism, nor one does protect and safe guard the fundamental rights of people. Its machineries and mercenaries do whatever is possible keep them on the shoulder of Oromo’s and other nations and nationalities in that Ethiopian empire and safe guard the interest of their foreign investors.
Oromo people call the master plan “an Oromo people cleansing plan”. There will be no more crime than systematical evicting the indigenous people from their land, making them homeless, with scattering Oromo family members, manipulating their resources, trading their capital by the name of investment with foreigners, and largely dividing the Oromia region in to cluster.
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