Saturday 31 May 2014


SEENAA Y.G (2005) | Caamsaa 31, 2014
Addunyaa kana irratti wanni raawwatamu hundumtuu yeroo mataa isaa qaba. waan yeroo isaa eeggatee dhalatu yk umamu hundumtuu umurii ni qabaata. Keessattu adeemsa siyaasaa keessatti, wanni yeroo isaatti gaggeeffamu qabu, dursee ykn barfatee akka gaggeeffamu yoo taasisan, bu’aa isaa irra kasaaraa isaatu caala. Tokko isa tokko dursee yoo dhufees, badii inni dhaqabsiisutu hammaata. Miidhaa Ummata keenya irra ga’u irraa kaanee fi gama keenyaan sochii keessa jirru ilaallee ykn waan Mooraa qabsoo keessatti uamame irraa kaanee, sadarkaa dhuunfaa eegallee hanga gurmutti, maal murteeffannee akka tarkaanfataa turre, hundatu qalbiitii qaba. waggoota dabarsine kana keessa waan nu mudatetti aarree , Qabsoon Ummata kanaa akka dhumateefitti kaa fudhanne , abdiis kan kutatee diinattillee gale, jette jetteen ummata kan burjaajeesse, hojjachuu irra abaarsaa fi qeeqa tarrisee rakkoo jiru dhiphisuu irra , caalaattu akka hammaatu kan taasise, Ummataaf yaadu irra , Naannummaatti gadi bu’ee yk galagalee deebi’ee kan yeella’ee, kkf  Ummati Biyya keessaas ta’ee ala jiraatu akka dansaatti hordofee, ejjannoo mataa isaa qabatee deebii kenneera. Waan Umame sanaan mo’amee, addunyaa salphinaa keessatti kan waliin-jigee hafe lakkoofasa hin qabu.
Waan keessa dabarre kun kana booda ni dabalama jechuun gonkumaa hin danda’amu. Waggaa lama dura Barreeffama “walii galan alaa galan” jedhu keessatti , “wal ga’iin, har’a wal diiguuf gaggeeffamu hundumtuu, waggaa 2 fi 3 booda ammoo, walitti deebi’uuf gaggeeffamuun waan hin hafne ta’uu fi Ummati waan yeroo sanatti umametti odoo hin hifannee qabsoo isaa itti fufu akka qabu kaaseen ture. yeroo sanatti yaada kana kanan kaaseef, waan keessa keenyattis ta’uu , nuun alatti nu mudatu hundaa odoo hin ilaaliin, badiis ta’uu tolaa waan eroo isaatti dhalatu odoo hin keessummeessin ykn itti ihin qoramiin,  waan yaadinu tokkotti akka hin baane hubachuu irraa ture. waan wal hammacee argine sun hundumtuu qabsoo Oromoo keessatti yerooma isaa ture. har’a garuu yeroo isaa miti. Yeroos waan sana kan uume, waan har’a irra geenye irra waan hin geenyefidha.
Akka amantaa kiyyatti , waan Qabsoo Oromoo mudate hundi isaa jabaannus , dhiisnuus kan nu hin hafneedha jedheen yaada. Humna waraanaa jabaa odoo qabaanneyyuu , bakka barbaannu ni geenya jedhee gaabbiin yaadee hin beeku. waan yeroo fi gaarii nu mudatan hunda irra osoo hin tarkaanfannee wayitti hin baanu jedheen amana.  Odoo waan hanga har’aatti jiru haguugamee irra dabarree illee, yeroo Biyya keenya dhuunfannee jennu dhohee nu gaaga’uun isaa hin hafu. Namni wal bira dhaabbateef ykn wal ga’ii irra waan waliin taa’eef, ykn waliin sirbeef , keessa isaatii waliin jira jechuu miti. Yaada gara garaa qabaachuu mala. Namni wal irraa fagaatee taa’eef ykn jiraateef adda ba’e ykn gargara faca’ee jechuus miti. Yaada kana lameen waan keessa dabarreen mirkaneessu dandeenya. Waliin jirra odoo jedhamu gargar baanee argamneerra. Lakki waliin hin jiran odoo jedhamuu , kunoo Biyya keessaa fi alatti seenaa hojjanneerra. Hundumtuu yeroo fi haaluma isaa eeggata . haalaa fi yeroo wal simuu barbaachisa. Kana jechuun yeroo eeggachuuf jecha mugnee teenya jechuu miti. Hawwiin Nama keessaa baduu hin dandeessu. Inni dursuu qabu garuu  hawwii keenya odoo hin taanee, waan hawwii keenya dhugeessinu irratti akkamiin akka hojjannu keewwachuudha.
Wanni  adeemsa isaa hin fixanne tokko balaan isaa hamaadha. Addatti adeemsa siyaasaa keessatti , humni ykn sabni gar tokko qofti dammaqee humnaan saba hin dammaqine yoo bilisoomse rakkoon isa mudatu salphaa hin ta’u. akka Somaaliyaa fi sudaan kibbaa waluma fixaa jiraachuu ta’a. Seenaa Biyyoota hedduu kaasuu dandeenya. Haala kanaan rakkoo Qabsoo keenya keessatti umame hangamu nu miidhu, hegaree keenyaaf ykn bakka har’a irra jirruuf gumaacha mataa isaa taasisee jira. Kana booda Qabsoo Oromoo dura dhaabbatee kan jiru, Diina qofaa ta’uu, hundatti mul’ataa dhufeera. Waan dabre irraa barachuun bu’aan isaa kanadha. Kana malees, Wanni keessa keenyatti dhalatee nu miidhu kana booda jiraachuuf carraa kan  argatu hin fakkaatu. Akka dhunfaatti dhalachuu ni danda’a . akka gurmuutti garuu kan dhumate fakkaata. Yoo yaadame illee Ummata keessaa moggeeffamuuf yoo ta’e, ykn dantaa halagaaf yaadame yoo ta’ee malee, Ummata ofiif yaadame akka hin taane kan dhugeeffamu gaafa guyyaa lama buluu dhabuudha.
Injifannoo irraa qofaa odoo hin taane, kufaatii irraallee ni baratama. Oromoon Seera Umamaatti akkaan amana. Seera umamaa jechuun tartiiba guddinaa, jiruu fi jireenya Ummataatti ibsama. Gamtaan Ummata Oromoo Biyya keessaa fi alatti argaa jirru, waggoota sadii dura odoo yaalamee ta’ee, ni danda’ama turee? ? Gootummaa Ummata keenyaa kana waggaa 3 durattillee odoo mudatee ta’ee, Tokkummaan har’a arginu ni umamu ture ? waan Ummata kanaa fi Mooraa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti argaa jirru , waggaa 10 dura osoo yaalamee ni milkaa’aa turee ? gaaffiilee kkf kaafnee yoo ilaalle, hawwii nuuti Qabsoo fi Ummata keenyaaf qabnu hundumtuu, waan keessa dabruu fi fixachuu qabu  ykn waan dursa raawwatamuu qabu tokkoo odoo hin xumurree,  bakka yaannutti tarkaanfachu akka hin dandeenye nu hubachiisee, hegaree keenyaafis, waan dursee raawwatamu qabuuf dursa kennuu akka qabnu, bakka yaannu ga’uuf waan nu irraa eegamu gama hundaan gumaachuun akka nu barbaachisu nu hubachiisa. Dhalli Oromoo waan isa mudate irraa baratee, Oromoof Oromoon ala falli biraa akka hin jirre wayita hubatetti, Barattoonni fi Ummati murannoon waan keessa isaa jiru dhiigaan yeroo mirkaneessu, Lammiin Oromoo bakka jiru akka waliif birmatu taasise. Haalaa fi yeroo akkasitti wal simanii jennaan waan isaan dhaabu gonkumaa hin jiru kanan jedheef kanaafi.
Sadarkaan Siyaasa Oromoo, Qabsoo Oromoo fi Dammaqiinsa  Ummata keenyaa irra ga’ee jiru ilaallatanii keessummeessuun dirqiidha. Kana waliin sadarkaan diina keenya irra jirus hubatanii Ummata qajeelchuuf yeroon mijataa umamaa jiraachuu hubachuu barbaachisa. Kanaafan Mata duree kiyya har’aa , “Diina irratti wal tumsuuf , yerootu ga’ee !!” kanan jedheef.
Baatii Xumurree kana keessa, fedhiin Ummata Oromoo eessa akka jiru kan hin hubannee, waan addunyaan itti jiru gonkumaa kan hin beekneedha.dhalli Oromoo bakka jirutti,  dhimma Oromoon wal qabatee, Haala umametti dhimma ba’uun , Dirqama dhala Oromoo hundaati. Waan yeroon kun irraan nu geessetti dhimma ba’uun, ammas, waan boriif jedhamu miti.Akka dhaaba Siyaasaatti maal hojjanna ? akka miseensa dhaaba siyaasa tokkotti, maaltu narraa eegama??  akka deeggaraatti maalin hojjadha. ? akka Ummataatti ykn Oromootti dirqamni narraa eegamu maali ? Ogummaa ani qabuun ykn beekumsa ani qabuun yk dandeetti ani qabuun Ummata kiyyaaf maalan gumaacha ? Qabsoo gaggeeffamaa jiruuf maal gumaachuun qaba ? gargaarsa maalii taasisuutu narraa eegama ? bakka hojii yk Biyyan jiru yk sadarkaa beekumsa yk qabeenyaa qabu kanaan, deeggarsa akkamii lammii koof gumaachuu danda’a ? kkf , akka dhuunfaattis, akka waloottis kaasanii mari’atanii , qooda mataa ofii gumaachuuf yerootu ga’ee jira.
Dhimma Ummata ofii keessatti, qooda nama dhuunfaa kaasee hanga walotti nu gaafatu ba’aachuuf, miseensa dhaabaa ta’uu qofaa odoo hin taanee, Oromoo ta’uun qofti ga’aa ta’uu akka dansaatti hubachuu nu feesisa. Qabsoon gama kamiinu , humna kamiinu  haa gaggeeffamu , deeggarsi bifa kamiituu dhaabbachuu akka hin qabne taasisuuf ,haala waan kana dhugeessuu danda’u ummachuun, haalaan barbaachisaa ta’uu yerootu nu dirqisiisaa jira. carraa lammiin Oromoo keessa jirutti dhimma ba’uuf socha’uu nu feesisa. sadarkaan yaadaa fi fedhiin keenyaa sadarkaa kanatti ol guddachuu qaba. akkaataa caasaan jireenya hawaasummaa fi Aadaa keenya keessa jiran , akkamiin qabsoo kana keessatti qooda fudhachuu danda’u ? bifa kamiin deeggarsa isaanii kennuu danda’u ? jennee haala mijeeffachuu fi wal tumsuuf karaa bal’ifachuun, yeroo isaatu ga’ee jira.
Qabxiilee kanatti aananii jiran akka yaadaatti dhiheessuun yaala . gadi fageenyaan katabuuf dirree kanatu hin toluf.
GADAAn, Dimokiraasiin Oromoof,  Aadaa Umama isaa ta’uu kan mirkaneessudha ! wayita jennu maal jechuu keenyadha ? Bara Gadaan jiru , dhaabbileen siyaasaa hin turre. Osoo yeroo san jiraatanii , Sirna Gadaa keessatti akkamiin jiraatu turan ? har’a ammoo Gadaan hin jiru. Dhaabbileen siyaasaa garuu guutaniiru. Yeroon akkasii kunoo . waan wal jala dabre kana keessatti qoodi keenya maalii ? kana beektoonni keenya of gaafatanii hegareef maal akka ta’u ammumaa hojjachuu qaban. Gadaan boruu ittin jiraanna jennu, Gadaa Shanan qofaa jiraachisuuf deemamoo, dhaabbilee Siyaasaas akka itti hammatutu jira ? ? moo, Ilaalchii siyaasaa nu hin barbaachisu ! jennema cufna? Moo , kana booda haala kana mijeessuuf hojjanna ? gama kanaan waan katabee jiru dubbisees dhaga’ees hin beeku. Kana qopheessuuf dhaaba keessatti hammatamuu yk miseensa ta’uutu ulaagaa lafa kaa’ameedha jedhee kan falmu jira natti hin faakkaatu. Dirree siyaasaa keessatti hundumtuu wal dhiphisuu irra , waan beekumsii fi ogummaan ofii namaa hayyamtu irratti bobba’anii waan ofii har’afis boriifis gumaachuuf hojjachuun, waan tokko bakka tokkotti kufamee wal dhiphisuu irraa nu baraaree , adeemsa keenya illee shaffisiisuu danda’a jedheen yaada .
Yaada kaase kana beektoota keenyaaf dhiisee , yaada ani ibsachuu barbaadetti haa ce’u. Oromiyaa hegareef ijaarru keessatti ilaalcha siyaasaa akkamii qabaachuu dandeenya ? isa jedhuuf qaama ilaallatuuf dhiisuus, har’a tumsa keenya jabeessuuf garuu , Ilaalcha lama boruu Ummati irratti murteeffatu illee yoo fudhanne, humna jiru gargar facaasuu irra , Ilaalchi kamuu jiraatu, Diina irratti wal tumsuun akka danda’amu garuu yerootu nu mirkaneessaa jira. Deeggarsi barbaachisu illee Qabsoo Oromoof jedhamee carraa gargaarsaa akkaataa itti bal’fachuu fi dhala hundaaf dirqama ta’uu qabu irratti yeroon nu akeekaa jira.
Dadhabbii Qabsaa’oota keenyaaf bakka laannee, Qabsoo Oromoo kana caalaa tumsa nu irraa barbaachisu taasifnee furgaasuu akka dandeenyu yerootu caalaatti dhugeessaa jira. Ummati Oromoo wareegama barbaachisuuf qophii ta’uu isaa yerootu ragaadha. Wareegamni Barattootaa fi Ummataa Biyya keessatti kafalaa jiran, hundee waan hundaa ta’ee akka itti fufu qabu, yerootu dirqama seenaa nu kaa’e jira. Miira Ummata keenyaa kana qindeeffachuu fi diina irratti wal ta’uun akka danda’amu yerootu ragaa waliin nu dhiheesse jira.kanaaf deebii kennuun ammoo diqama dhala Oromoo hundaati. Waan keessa dabarree irraa barannee jirra. Isa boodas qormaata 1ffaa baatii kanaan irra aanneerra . itti fufummaan isaa garuu hawwii qofaan akka hin dhugoomne itti amanuu barbaachisa. Kaanf ,,,,,,,,  Kutaa 2ffaan itti fufa.            

OMN: Qophiilee Caamsaa 30, 2014

Friday 30 May 2014

GadaaTube2: Hawwisoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Irraa Wallee Warraaqsaa « Oduu – News

GadaaTube2: Hawwisoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Irraa Wallee Warraaqsaa « Oduu – News

International broadcasters protest against intentional jamming from Ethiopia

0,,6115079_4,00May 30, 2014 (Deutsche Welle) — Due to intentional jamming from Ethiopia the reception of TV programs by Deutsche Welle and numerous other international broadcasters is currently severely impacted in large parts of the Arab world.
BBC, France 24 and Voice of America are also among the broadcasters affected by the jamming.
The satellite provider Arabsat has identified Ethiopia as the source of the strong jamming signals on all its three satellites. Ethiopian authorities have not responded to the incident yet.
Peter Limbourg, director general of Deutsche Welle: “This is a gross violation of the internationally recognized right of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Deutsche Welle, BBC, France 24 and Voice of America strongly condemn this action against the free flow of impartial information. We urge the Ethiopian authorities to immediately cease the jamming.”
While Deutsche Welle’s short wave programs have been repeatedly target of jamming from Ethiopia, the current incident appears not to be aimed at specific broadcasters or programs. The jamming of satellite programs constitutes a violation of international agreements, but the practice is nevertheless on the rise. The most recent incidents occurred in 2011 and 2012 via Iran.
In the Arab world Deutsche Welle is available through its TV channel “DW Arabia.” Selected radio programs in Arabic are available via partner stations throughout the region.
Source: DW

BBC condemns Ethiopian sat-jamming

May 30, 2014
(BBC News) –Liliane Landor, acting Director of the BBC World Service Group, has called on the Ethiopian authorities to stop jamming BBC broadcasts in the Middle East and North Africa.
She joined directors from Deutsche Welle, France 24, and the US Broadcasting Board of Directors which oversees the Voice of America, in condemning the flagrant violation of the clearly established international procedures on operating satellite equipment.
Liliane Landor said: “The BBC calls upon the Ethiopian authorities to end this interference. They are disrupting international news broadcasts for no apparent reason. This is a deliberate act of vandalism that tarnishes their reputation.”
During the past week BBC television and radio broadcasts on the Arabsat satellites have been affected by intentional uplink interference. Many international television broadcasts, including those from France 24 and Deutsche Welle, have been badly affected.
The satellite operator Arabsat has reported that the interference has come from within Ethiopia. The interference is intensive and affects services on all three Arabsat satellites. Unlike previous instances of intentional interference, these events do not appear to be linked to any particular content or channel on these satellites.
The interference is contrary to the international regulations that govern the use of radio frequency transmissions and the operation of satellite systems, and inhibits the ability of individuals to freely access media according to Article 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Source: BBC

OMN: Oduu Caamsaa 29, 2014

Thursday 29 May 2014

Ambo Protests: Spying the Spy?

Previous eye witness by Jen and Josh:  Ambo Protests – Personal Account
May 29, 2014 (Jen and Josh in Ethiopia) — After the protests and violence in Ambo, we fled to the capital city of Addis Ababa and stayed at a little hotel called Yilma. Immediately, we started telling everyone about what happened in Ambo. We called and texted our friends, we talked to anyone at the hotel that would listen, and we posted things on Facebook. If we tell everyone about the protesters in Ambo being imprisoned and killed, surely it will stop, we reasoned.
The next day, two strange men – one tall with dark skin, the other short with lighter skin – struck up a conversation with us in the hotel restaurant.
“We’re from Minnesota, here to visit our family in Wollega,” they said.
“Oh, we’re from St. Paul!” we replied, excited.
“Oh, we’re from St. Paul, too!” they said, pulling out a fake-looking Minnesota driver’s license.

The address said Worthington, not St. Paul.

“How long have you lived in St. Paul?’ we asked.
“Yes.” the tall man said, nervously.
“I mean…how long have you lived in St. Paul?” we said, slower.
“Just 2 weeks.”
“And you’re already back in Ethiopia. And you just drove through Ambo, past all the protests and the police, to visit your family in Wollega?” we asked, thinking about the single paved road that heads west through Ambo.
“Yes.” he replied.
“You must be very brave,” we said, thinking about how the road was closed due to the violence.
“Why?” he asked, baiting us with a stoic face.

We froze, afraid to speak further. At that moment, after 20 months in Ethiopia, we finally understood why so many people in Oromia are afraid of spies. When we first arrived in Ambo, people thought WE were C.I.A. spies, which we found amusing…spies who couldn’t even speak the language? If we had been spies, we certainly weren’t very good at our job. But now, the tables were turned.

The two men began following us around the hotel area, sitting next to us whenever possible, walking slowly past our table, then returning slowly past our table – sometimes up to 10 times per hour. A different man followed us to a restaurant about a mile from the hotel, then sat at the closest table to ours, rudely joining a young couple’s romantic dinner.

For the next three days, we stopped telling people about the protests and the imprisonments and the killings in Ambo. We were afraid that the two men would be listening. We were afraid that someone was monitoring our communications on the government-controlled cell phone service and the government-controlled internet. Were we just paranoid? Were we really being monitored? Maybe we had just integrated too much, to the point where we had become Oromo, afraid of government spies and afraid of speaking out and being put in jail. While being ferenji (foreigners) gave us some level of protection, thoughts of the Swedish journaliststhrown into an Ethiopian jail in 2011 lingered in the backs of our minds. The journalists “were only doing their jobs, and human rights group Amnesty International said the journalists had been prosecuted for doing legitimate work.” Did we seem just as suspicious to the government as those Swedish journalists? We didn’t want to find out.

Peace Corps gave all the volunteers strict instructions NOT to blog or post on Facebook about the protests or killings across Oromia. It is just too dangerous to say anything about the Ethiopian government, they pointed out.

That’s when we decided to leave Ethiopia. For us, staying in Ambo, not ruffling any feathers, was not an option. How could we go back and pretend that our neighbors, students, and and fellow residents didn’t die or didn’t end up in prison?
Source: Jen and Josh in Ethiopia
Related: Ambo Protests: A Person Account
Beeksisa Waamicha Walgahii Ummataaf, Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo irra
Posted: Caamsaa/May 29, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune |
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo falmaa ilmaan Oromoo biyyaa keessaa mootummaa faashistii Wayyaanee waliin godhaa jiraan fi haala yeroo irratti ibsa kennuuf Haawaasa Oromoo Minnesota keessa jiraataniif waamicha godha. Qophiin Koree Kutaa ABO Jiddu-Gala USA (OLF Mid-West Chapter) fi Konyaalee ABO Minnesota jiraaniin qindaawe kun Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa yeroo amma biyya keessatti deemaa jiru bu’ura godhatuun falmaa kanatti xumura godhun barbaachisa ta’u isaa irra deebi’e hubachisaa dha. Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo akkuma bu’ureffama isaa irra eegale addeessetti tooftaale Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo milkeessuuf lafa kaayaman keessaa Qabsoon hidhatnoo, kan Siyaasaa fi Diplomasii dabalate toofta isa bu’uuraa fi murteessa ta’u isaa hubatuun aarsaa WBOn baroota dheeraaf kafalaa as ga’een waan mirkanaa’e dha. Yeroo ammaa kanattimmoo dhibba dhibbatti Amalli mootummaa wayyaane kan amma aangoo siyaasaa qqabaatee jiruu fi kanneen daraniyyu sirna duraanii deebisuuf abjootan akka mullisutti Qabsoon hidhatnoo kan filmaata biraa hin qabne ta’uu isaa mullisa. Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo haala kana sirritti hubatee waan irratti hojjetaa as ga’e sadarkaa olaanatti guddisuuf akkasumas Aaarsaa dargaggoonni fi Barattoonni Oromoo yeroo amma kana keessatti kafalaa jiranitti bu’a godhuuf humnaa fi dandeetti qabu hundaan garaa diinaatti fuulleffatee jira. Sirna saaminsaa fi dararaa motuummoota Habashaa kan dhufaa darbaa gara Jaarra tokkoo fi walakkaa oliif deema jiru hundeen buqqisuun Ummata Oromoo dhaaf filmaata dhuma akka ta’e hubaatuu dhaan Ummatni Oromoo bakka jiru hundatti WBO bira akka dhaabattus waamicha lammummaa dabarsa.
Bifuma kanaan Adunyaa mara irra bakka Ilmaan Oromoo qubatan hundatti Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo itti gaafatama fudhatuun maree Hawaasaa geeggessaa jiru keessa inni Minnesotatti ta’u kun isa angafa dha jenne amanna. Kanaaf Ibsa fi Qophii Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo yeroo ammaa qabu dhageeffattani yaada, qabeenyaa fi human keessan akkamiin akka gumaachitan irratti ballinaan haasa’uuf Waamicha walgahii Hawaasa Oromo maraaf kabajaan isiniif dabarsina. Kun waamicha lammummaa kan ilmaan keenya itti dhuma jiran, yoo kana dura dhaabbatnee sirna kanatti xumura hin goone daranuu lafa irra haqaamuun balaa Ummata Oromoo irratti aggaamate ta’u hubattani Ilmaan Oromoo hundi akka walgahii hawaasaa kana irratti argamtan ammalle irra deeddeebine maqaa Ilmaan Oromoo waregaama kafalanitiin dhaamsa keenya isiniif dabarsina.
Guyyaa: Dilbata, Waxabajjii 8, 2014 (Sunday, June 8, 2014)
Yeroo: Sa’a 1:00 Wb (1:00 PM)
Bakka: Galmaa Waldaa Hawaasa Oromoo Minnesota
465 Mackubin Street
Saint Paul, MN 55103
Koree Kutaa ABO Jiddu-Gala USA (OLF Mid-West Chapter) fi Konyaalee ABO Minnesota keessa jiran hunda.
Injifatnoo Ummata Oromoof!
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo falmaa ilmaan Oromoo biyyaa keessaa mootummaa...
Waan nama gaddisisu
Camsaa 29,2014 gabaasa magalaa Adamarra
Bulchiinsi Yuuniversiitii Saayinsii fi Teeknolooji Adamaa ragaa sobaan barataa Oromoo tokko murtii hidhaa itti kennisisuun dhaga'ame
barataa Gabayyoo Amante kan jedhamuu Yuuniversitii Saayinsii fi teeknoloojii Adamaatti barata wagga tokkoffaa dipartimenti Geology yoo ta'u Dadacha Gaafa caamsaa 27,2014 mana murtii Aanaa Adaamatti Ooleen,ragaa sobaan Wayyaneen irratti ragaasiseen murti hidhaa waggaa Tokkoo murteessera.
Ragaan sobaa irratti bahames,dareedhaa barattoota gadi yasee barumsi bilisumaan bodaa ka'aa falmadhaa jedhe,akka konkolaataa caccabsan ajaja dabarse,imaammata qaama siyaasa ABO adeemsisaa ture.kan jedhu fi kkf dha.warreen ragaa sobaa kana ragga'an lukkelee wayyanee Yuuniversitichaa akka ta'anis irra gahameera.
Dhumarratti Qeerroon YSTA dhaamsa "yaa Oromoo ilmaan kee hidhaa reebichaa fi ajjeechaan itti baay'achaa jiru kanaaf furmaata malee hin callisinaa" jedhu dabarfatu!

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Haromaayaa 10 Doormii Keessaa Lolotoota Wayyaaneen Ukkaamfaman

Barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa
Barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa

Eegala Caamsaa 29, 2014 Haromaayaa (Qeerroo).

Guyyaa Ayyaana Wayyaanee Caamsaa 20 jechuun kabajamu mormuun barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Haromayaa har’aa nyaata lagachuun mormii isaanii dhageessifataa oolan. Haala kanaan galgala ammaa sa’aa muraasa dura humni loltuu Federaalaa mooraa Yuuniversitii Haromayaa seenuun barattoota Oromoo 10 bakka ciisicha isaanii irraa deemee funaanuun ukkaamsee mana hidhaa hin beekamnetti geessee jira. Haalli kun haalaan sukkanneessaa ta’ee  jira.

  1. Sabboonaa barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa agriculture waggaa 3ffaa ,bakki dhaloota Godina Shawwaa kibba lixa Aanaa Daawo
  2. Ararsaa Laggasaa kan inni baratu engenering waggaa 4ffaa,bakki dhaloota Godina kibba lixa shawaa aanaa Tolee
  3. Jaarraa Margaa,kan inni baratu water engenering waggaa 4ffaa bakki dhaloota Godina shawwaa kibba lixaa Sabbata
  4. Alsan Hassan bakki dhalootaa shawaa dhihaa Ambo,kan inni baratu electrical engenering wagga 2ffaa
  5. Walabummaa Goshee kan inni baratu Economics waggaa 2ffa bakki dhalootaa godina shawaa lixaa Ambo,
  6. Irranaa Kabbadaa kan inni baratu agricultural wagga 2ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa Ambo
  7. Sanyii Yaalii kan inni baratu economics waggaa 3ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa AMBO
  8. Biqila Toleeraa  kan inni baratu veternari Medecine waggaa 6ffaa bakki dhaloota godina kibba lixa Shawaa AMBO
  9. Raggaasaa  kan inni baratu waggaa lammaaffaa water engenering bakki dhalootaa Godina Shawa lixati 10.maqaan nu hin geenye
  10. Ammaaf maqaan hin baramne.

Waamicha Wal-gahii WWDO, Waxabajjii 01, 2014

WWDO logo - 5.2814Walgah’iin WWDO idleen Dilbata, Waxabajjii 01, 2014, sa’aa 6:00wb irraa eegalee galma Jaarmiyaa Hawaasa Oromoo, Washington DCtti geggeeffama.
Kanaaf, walga’ii kanatti dargaggoonni Oromoo Washington naannoo isaa jiraattan akka itti hirmaattan kan hafeeramtan yoo ta’u, guyyaa kanatti haala ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa yeroo ammaa irratti akkasumas dhimmoota waldaa irrattis mariin ni taasifama. Guyyaa kanatti sagantooti gaggabaaboo biroos ni dhiyaatu.
Sochii biyya keessaa dargaggoota fi barattoota Oromootiin adda durummaan sagalee ummata keenyaa ol kaasee dhageessisaa jirus dhiyeenyatti hordoofuun dargaggoota Oromoo ala kana jiran irraa waan eegamuuf walitti dhiyaannee hafuura wal utubuutiin akka dhaabbannuu fi lammii Oromoo biyya keessaaf sagalee ta’uu caalatti akka itti fufunu dhaamsa yeroo dabarsaa, sagalee uummataa ta’uu keeyssatti qoodi dargaggoota Oromoo hagam murteessaa akka ta’e ifatti mirkana’aa jira.
Kanaaf, guyyaa kanatti bakkaa fi sa’aa caqasametti argamuudhaan qophilee qabnutti akka hirmaattan gaafachaa, asumaan dargaggoon irree uummata keenyaa ta’uus hojiidhan akka mul’ifnu waamicha keenya kabajaa dabarsina.
Bakki: Jaarmiyaa Hawaasa Oromoo,
6212 3rd Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20011
Sa’aatii: 6:00w.b.
Dargaggoon Oromoo Irree Oromoyaati!!!
Koree Gidduu WWDO.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Border village attack by Al-Shabaab leaves 40 people dead

May 28, 2014, Mogadishu (Harar24) – At least forty people are reported to have been killed in an orchestrated attack perpetrated by Al-Shabaab fighters on the village of Aato situated on the Somali-Ethiopian border in the Bakol region.
It was an early Tuesday morning when the attack was carried out by the militant fighters against a base belonging to Ethiopian Liyuu Police which was located in the village, prompting a serious battle to erupt between the Al-Shabaab fighters and the Liyuu Police as residents reported.
killed-troops-1024x652-599x275The commissioner responsible for the village of Aato, who addressed media outlets, commented that at least forty people had died in the attack including twenty eight troops belonging to the Ethiopian Liyuu Police and twelve Al-Shabaab fighters. “The Al-Shabaab fighters began their attack early in the morning and were using heavy weaponry and technicals.  We lost twenty eight people and we managed to kill twelve of them” he said.
There has been no official response from Al-Shabaab commanders, although Radio Al-Andalus, a station affiliated with the organization, claimed that they had killed thirty five Ethiopians while taking twenty weapons as booty.
This is not the first time Al-Shabaab carries out border attacks against Ethiopian troops, especially after Ethiopian forces invaded some Somali provinces and occupied several towns in those provinces.
Source: Harar24 News


The National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy

FDG Itti Fufuun Walitti Bu’iins Sabboontota Oromoo fi Ergamtoota Sirna Wayyaanee Jidduu Jabaate Itti Fufe.

Caamsaa 27,2014 D.Doolloo
Godina Wallaggaa,Qeellam Anfillo gada Yettii fi Muggii keessatti FDG jabaatee itti fufuun guyyaa lamaan darban keessatti walitti bu’iinsi Oromootaa fi ergamtoota Wayyaanee kanneen mashaa sirnichaa baatanii uumata Oromoo irratti roorrisan jidduu haalaan hammaatee itti fufee ture.Eda Caamsaa 27,2014 hakan keessaa sa’aa 5:00 irratti diddaa sirna Wayyaanee uumanni Oromoo kaasaniin lelliftooti mootummaa Wayyaanee fi degertooti isaa magaalaa Muggii fi Yettii gadhiisanii baqachaa jiraachuun gabaasi nu gahe addeessa. Haala kanatti kan rifate mootummaan Wayyaanee humna waraana Federaalaa heddumminaan gama sanitti akka bobbaasaa jirus gabaasi amma nu gahe ni ibsa.Gama kaaniin dargaggoonni naannoo kanaa karaa irratti bahanii ABO fi WBO faarsaa ” Guyyaan har’aa Oromoo dha” sirba jedhuu fi walleelee warraqsaa adda addaan akka sirbaa oolan beekamee jira.

OMN: Oduu Caamsaa 27, 2014

People of Sidama Globally Marks the 12th Anniversary of Looqqe Massacre

On May 24, 2002, 69 Sidama civilians killed and around 250 wounded when they met with the regimes killing machine at a peaceful and non-violent demonstration in Hawassa protesting the regimes decision to remove the administrative right of the capital Hawassa from Sidama to the federal government
USPFJ urges the Sidama people to forge unity with like-minded peoples, nations and nationalities to fight the current regime and bring those responsible for masterminding the massacre of the Sidamas, the Oromos, the Ogadenia, Gambela and other civilians to justice.
USPFJ urges the Sidama people to forge unity with like-minded peoples, nations and nationalities to fight the current regime and bring those responsible for masterminding the massacre of the Sidamas, the Oromos, the Ogadenia, Gambela and other civilians to justice.
By United Sidama Parties for Freedom and Justice (USPFJ)
Press Release
Since 1890s, the Sidama nation has endured various massacres of unimaginable scales most of which had genocidal intents. Time and again, the civilians of the Sidama people as a nation were deliberately targeted and slaughtered by the successive northern led regimes for no apparent reasons, but for demanding their fundamental rights. The most worst and abhorring crime against humanity in recent memory among the others is the May 24, 2002’s massacre of Sidama civilians at Looqqe village. This particular massacre is entirely peculiar & inhumane crime ever committed against the Sidama nation by the successive rulers for the fact that for the first time in Ethiopian Empire’s history the empire had a legal document known as Constitution which guarantees nations and nationalities of the country to peacefully and non-violently demand their rights without being criminalised and punished for their peaceful actions; regardless of which the Sidama civilians were slaughtered in broad day light. On May 24, 2002, the regime has indiscriminately massacred hundreds of Sidama civilians who’re demanding their rights with the manner which is stated in its constitution in black and white. The civilians were inhumanely responded with live ammunition of the regime’s army.
The Sidama civilians who sought justice were told that bullet is the only justice the current regime can give to Sidama nation. The Sidama civilians who were massacred were unequivocally shown that the current regime isn’t there to protect their rights, but to keep the repressive regime in power with all possible means. The Sidama nation as others oppressed nations demanded their rights in a civilised manner to be responded with barbarism only comparable with medieval time witch hunts and their inhumane killings. To add anguish to their already harrowing situations, the families of the Sidama civilians’ massacre victims were obliged to collect the bodies of massacre Sidama civilians on the third and fourth day of post Looqqe massacre after being coerced to sign consent stating that the killed Sidama civilians were responsible for their own death.
The late PM Meles Zenawi has assigned Melese Marimo (who has voted for Sidama civilians massacre on the eve of their killing to lead his fake so called independent investigation to please its Western donors who have demanded him to do so with international pressure resulted from Sidama Diaspora campaign), the action equivalent to laughing at slaughtered Sidama civilians. Over 15, 000 Sidama civilians were indiscriminately imprisoned after the aftermaths of Sidama Looqqe massacre and remained in jail for months and others are still languishing in prisons. Among the confirmed 69 Sidama civilians massacred on the day, several dead bodies were left to be devoured by hyenas as the families of massacred Sidama civilians’ were disallowed collecting the bodies of their beloved ones. Over 250 civilians were seriously injured.
On May 24, 2014, the Sidama nation with its friends at global level marked the 12th commemorative anniversary of this, one of the darkest days in Sidama nation’s history as a day of utter sorrow.  The cause for which the Sidama civilians were slaughtered remain unanswered as are those who have premeditated, ordered and the massacre, monitored the reactions of the Sidama nation remain at large. The Sidama life become much worse than it was during pre-Looqqe massacre. The regime deliberately and systematically impoverishes the nation. The regime, which is unable to address the democratic rights of its citizens can’t have moral authority to stay in power. All possible means of peacefully resolving matters and bringing those responsible to independent justice for the massacre of civilians remain remote.
Besides, the USPFJ urges the current regime to stop its inhuman actions to Sidama nation and stop the current killing of Oromo civilians who have demanded their constitutional rights. We also urge the current regime to abide to international covenant on protecting the fundamental rights of citizens and bring those are responsible for masterminding the massacre of the Sidamas, the Oromo, the Ogadenia, Gambela and  other civilians to an independent justice observed by internationally recognised institutions.
Finally, we also urge the Sidama nation to push with their constitutional demands to its political and socio-economic rights both independently and forging unity with likeminded peoples, nations and nationalities.
We salute the Sidama heroes and heroines who have paid ultimate sacrifices with their precious life for the just cause of the Sidama nation. We also solemnly promise that we never rest until justice is being served on behalf of the cause for which you have sacrificed your lives and until those who have massacred you are brought to justice. At this very critical moment for the Oromo nation whose civilians are recently being slaughtered demanding similar rights, we also send once again our heartfelt condolences. The situation in all regions is dire. We are witnessing the fact that on daily basis the regime is slaughtering civilians in all regions; thus unity at this critical moment is paramount. We also send our condolences to the families of the massacred civilians in various regions of the Country.
Our unforgotten Looqqe massacre victims, your soul may rest in peace and we never forget your sacrifices!! The Oromo civilians who have been recently massacred, may your soul rest in peace. The civilians of others nations and nationalities who have been massacred in all regions, may your souls rest in peace as we never stop the fight until justice is being served on behalf of all victims!
United Sidama Parties for Freedom and Justice (USPFJ),
May 25, 2014

IOWO: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review Nineteenth session of the UPR Working Group of The Human Rights Council

idoa iowo
Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review
Nineteenth session of the UPR Working Group of
The Human Rights Council
April- May 2014 Geneva, Switzerland

International Oromo Women’s Organization is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization established in Washington, DC USA, June 2007 to promote gender equality and the development of women as an integral part of the political, economic, social, and cultural sphere. The primary goal of International Oromo Women’s Organization is to empower Oromo Women and socially engaged them not only the improvement of one-self but also that of all Oromo women everywhere and emancipate women from all forms of oppression, marginalization, and discrimination1.
Endless Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia
Executive Summary
This report covers the continuation of human rights violation by Ethiopian government that covers mass killings including four children in Kofele, Oromia August 3, 2013 which increases the grief of mothers. The continuation of torturing and killing prisoners under its custody, the current one is that happened to Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda August 24, 2013.  Intensified evictions of people from their homes that exposes them to the extreme poverty and homelessness. The continuation of abduction of Oromo refuges in neighboring countries and harassment by Ethiopian security forces. Several Oromo refugees with UNHCR mandates have been raped, abducted, tortured, killed and some forcefully returned back to Ethiopia. There are current evidences though their names and country not mentioned due to their safety issues. The situation is reported to the UNHCR. This report indicates the high concern about the current situation of refugees in neighboring countries.
It was expected that Ethiopian government will improve the lives of its citizen, protects them from any illegal action that violets their human rights as well as gives attention to improve the life of the population and provides proper education system that will encourage girls to get education. However, killings and eviction people from their homes are on the rise among which women and children are the most victims and with the ignored dreadful voice and left helpless and waiting for their death.
Ethiopian government is violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3. The rights to life, liberty and security of the people are violated by massive eviction from their home.  Lots has been said about land grabbing2, the objective of this paper is not to report about it, but its consequence did not stop, instead it is on the raise nobody gave attention to the voice of the victim voiceless.
Women in Ethiopian constitute the majority of the population, whereas deep rooted male dominated culture is in place. Majority of Women live in rural area based on subsistence farming. Their life is tied with the farmland they inherited from their precursor, specially, in the case of Oromo people. The Oromo people are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia out of which 50% are women and are living in poverty.  Mothers bring up their children and send to school with the expectation of their children’s happiness and prosperity. Mothers’ hope is that after their children get education and employed, will help them at the elderly age when mothers cannot help their family and themselves (means when retired from their day-to-day work of house-keeping). Currently the Ethiopian government is sending to them the dead body of their children which increases mothers’ sadness and make their voice cry loudly more than ever, but no one gave answers for their grief. The case of Sime Terefe killed in Mekele University, University students Gadissa Hirphassa and Alemayhu Garba as well as artist Esmayo Mussa killed in prison are few examples and its continuation is the case of engineer Tesfahun Chemeda died August 24, 2013 in prison. Will it stop?
Human Rights Violation
The government militia killed twenty-five people including four children in Kofele, Oromia region, August 3, 2013.
Nonstop torturing and killing of Oromo young generation in kality/Addis Ababa prison. Its continuation is proved by the death of engineer Tesfahun Chemeda, August 24, 2013 in prison.
Due to the intensified killing, imprisonment, and persecution of the civilian population, thousands forced to flee their homes and become refugees in the neighbouring countries. But Ethiopian security forces abduct refugees and return to Ethiopia facing torturing, persecution, and killings upon return. The case of Mesfin Abebe and Tesfahun Chemeda  proves those forcefully abducted and persecuted and finally exposed to death.
This does not stop, refugees registered and waiting for UNHCR’s response to settle in third countries are still abducted and harassed by Ethiopian security force assigned to operate in neighbouring countries. According to the information received from our representatives in neighbouring countries, refugees are killed, abducted, and harassed by Ethiopian security forces. Also they are targeted by human traffickers whose aim is for forced labour and the harvesting of body organs. For their security reason, names are not mentioned, when required, we can provide their names, happening dates, and name of neighbouring countries.
Ethiopia is among the poorest countries in the world. On top of the existing poverty, the current government is removing the indigenous people from their land for sale to foreign investors, while exposing its citizen to the extreme poverty without any alternative solution. As the result, some women gave themselves to be exported to another country as a commodity officially through Bole Airport and others risked their life in boats on the sea to Yemen and other countries. Those managed to get their raped and brutally murdered3. This shows that life in Ethiopia has no difference when compared to death.
The other issue related to land is that, Ethiopian government is planning to join the surrounding rural areas in one hundred km (100 km) radius to include to the capital city Finfine/Addis Ababa4 again by evicting farmers from their farmland without or with minimal amount of compensation. This also aggravates the increasing poverty level and as the result women and children exposed to unrecoverable poverty and loss of lives.
Root problems are:
  1. Government of Ethiopia spear headed by TPLF is irresponsible for its citizens, especially for those of southern part and Oromia region. It collects large amounts of money from large- scale land sale to foreign investors by the cover of development, but starving the majority of the people. The stereotyped constitution is in place while the actual situation on the ground shows that women are on sale as a commodity to another country through Bole airport.
  1. Government did not give much attention to have practical policy to avoid any forms of discrimination against women and no legal protection for girls to get educated. There is no way out of poverty unless 50% of the population gets educated. So girls’ education is crucial for science and technology development. Female in Ethiopia is becoming the majority of the population.
Without giving proper attention to girls’ education, there will be no development. For example, the Ethiopian Education Statistics Annual Abstract of 2011/2012 indicates that only 25% female graduated in under graduate study,20% enrolled to post graduate study and only 14% graduated5  out of 50% female population size.
  1. Western governments funding Ethiopian government for development, however, the fund is used for widespread repression and civil rights violations. Ethiopian government always denies this, whereas the case on the ground tells what is going on. One of examples mentioned in the press release by the Oakland Institute on  July 2013 stated that “[The soldiers] went all over the place, and they took the wives of the Bodi and raped them, raped them, raped them, raped them. Then they came and they raped our wives,” “said the Mursi man interviewed during the investigation. Another man added: “the Ethiopian government is saying they are going to collect us all and put us in a resettlement site in the forest. We are going to have to stay there. What are the cattle going to eat there? They are our cattle, which we live from. They are our ancestor’s cattle, which we live from. If we stay out there in the forest, what are they going to eat?”6
This interview shows the sample of what is happening massively in the country, most people do not speak out what is happening to them by the government agents, because of the retaliation taken to them. There is no whistle blower protection policy in that country.  So the majority population of Ethiopia left in deep oppression without any protection on the ground and out of site from the international community. Women and girls are the most vulnerable part of the society in this situation.
Urge the Ethiopian Government:
  1. To stop violation of human rights, torturing and killing prisoners, abducting refugees and respect human rights.
  2. To stop its project to join the surrounding rural areas to the capital city Addis Ababa by evicting farmers from their farm land as well as stop large scale land sale to the foreign investors by the name of development that created large scale homeless people.
  3. To revise its education policy and include girls’ education policy to bring them up from traditional male dominated psychological settings.
  4. Donor governments to stop giving aid that is used to oppress its people.
Finally, urge the Ethiopian government to respect the unilateral and bilateral agreements signed and ratified by Ethiopia which are intended to uphold the respects of human right, any forms of discrimination, gender, racial which seems to be the motivation behind the TPLF government mistreatment of the Oromo and other oppressed people.  And respect its constitution as well as the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights. Respect The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all applicable international humanitarian laws.
2IOWO Appeal Letter on Land grabbing in Ethiopia: Evicting indigenous people from their livelihood and subjecting them to absolute poverty and famine under the guise of development, on top of other Human Rights Violations by the Ethiopian Government.
3BBC (2013). Ethiopian migrants tell of torture and rape in Yemen, BBC-News July 22, 2013, retrieved from,,
4Stop Cleansing Oromo from their land in the name of boosting economic development,,
5MOE (2012). Education Statistics Annual Abstract of 2011/2012, retrieved from,
6Oakland Institute (2013). Development Aid to Ethiopia, Overlooking violence,     marginalization, and political repression.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Walitti Bu’iinsa Saba Amaaraa fi U/Oromoo Gidduutti Ta’aa Jiruun Wallagga,Anfilloo Irratti Oromoonni Sadii Mootummaa Wayyaaneen Qabaman.

Gabaasa Caamsaa 27,2014 D.Doolloo
Caamsaa 27,2014 Gabaasa Qeerroo godina Qellem Anfilloo irraa addeessuun yeroo ammaa mootummaan Wayyaaneedhaa saba biraa uummata ormoo irratti kaasuudhaan bu’aa keessatti argatutti jabeeffatee jira,akka gabaasni Qeerroo ibsutti duras akeekkachiisa uummanni keenya saboota kanaaf kenne irra darbanii ammallee uummata keenya arrabsuutti gamuu irraan uummanni keenya Aanaa Anfilloo keessattuu ganda Yattii,Ashii fi Eeneche jedhamu irraa tarkaanfii dhumaa fudhachuu keessa seenee jira,uummata diina walif taane waliin hiriirtanii nun tuqina jedhamee kanaan dura akeekkachiisni kennamieefii ture irra darbanuu irraan yeroo ammaa uummanni jiraattoota ganda kanaa tarkaanfii mana jireenya isaani gubuu fi reebuu irratti argamanii jiru.Sababa kanaanis mootummaan wayyaanee waraana isaa aanaa kana irratti ramaduudhaan uummata oromoo hidhuutti akka jiruu fi FDG aanaa kana keesatti ka’uuf kan jedhus sodaa irraan hidhaan namootaa itti fufeetu jira namoota yeroodhaaf hidhaman list isaanii arganne keessaa:
1.Qana’aa Tasfaayee-Qote bulaa ganda Yattii irraa
2.Kaasayee-Qote Bula ganda Yattii irraa
3.Wandimmuu Aseffaa-Qote Bulaa ganda Yattii irraa
Isaan kun ilaalcha siyaasa ABOtiin kaleessa irraa qabamanii mana hidhaa keessatti reebichi hamaan irra gahaa jedhu Qeerroon Anfilloo irraa akka ibsutti,walitti bu’iinsi jirun kan jabaatee jiruudha jedhu,gabaasni kanaa itti fufa!

Ethiopia: One of Wolkite University dormitories set on fire

May 26, 2014

OMN: Qophiilee Caamsaa 26, 2014

Submission from the HRLHA 26th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (10 – 27 June 2014)

HRLHA FineMay 27, 2014
Submission from the HRLHA 26th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (10 – 27 June 2014)

Item 3:Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

(Country- Ethiopia)
HRLHA is a non-political organization which attempts to challenge human rights abuses suffered by the peoples of various nations and nationalities in the Horn of Africa. HRLHA is aimed at defending fundamental human rights including freedoms of thought, expression, movement and organization. It is also aimed at raising the awareness of individuals about their own basic human rights and that of others. It focuses on the observances as well as the due processes of law. It promotes the growth and development of free and vigorous civil societies.
Executive Summary
This report covers mainly the gross human right violations in Ethiopia that have happened in the past twenty- three years in general, and the current human rights crisis in the Regional State of Oromia in Ethiopia in particular.
The EPRDF/TPLF Government has committed gross human rights violations against the people of Ethiopia since it came to power in 1991 after toppling the dictatorial Dergue regime,   contrary to the constitution of Ethiopia (1995) and international human rights treaties it has signed and rectified. It has continued to suppress the freedom expression, political and civil rights and, as a result, has sent dozen of journalists, bloggers, and hundreds of leaders and members of opposition political parties to jail. In violations of the right to protest and demonstrations, peaceful demonstrators have been shot at and killed, kidnapped and disappeared; hundreds have been arrested in mass and detained. A good case in point is the most recent very violent attack against unarmed and peaceful protestors of Oromo students of universities, colleges, and high schools in the regional state of Oromia.
The information in this report is mainly based on HRLHA’s reports on human rights violations in Ethiopia as well as reports from other sources such as various international human rights organizations and civil society groups, and the US State Department annual country report of 2013.
Violations of Fundamental Rights
The current EPRDF government claims that the basic and fundamental rights of the citizens are respected in Ethiopia, and that the country is heading towards democracy. However, on the contrary, the basic  and fundamental rights  of citizens   enshrined in  the Ethiopian Constitution of 1995, under Chapter three  (fundamental rights and freedoms,  articles 13-28 and democratic rights ,articles 29-44)[1]  which  guarantees civil liberty  and  life in peace and harmony has been extremely violated.  In the above articles are included individuals and common rights, such as equality before the law, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom to practice religion. All are highlighted on paper only for the political consumption. In other words they are used as a cover-up for the gross violations of human rights..
Democratic Rights
After the first global expression of rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which all human beings are inherently entitled, has been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The international, regional  and national  documents were created to enforce  the promotion of the rights enshrined in the declaration.  Peaceful assembly (Article 20(1)) in the UDHR, while often characterized by marches, rallies and mass demonstration, which obviously involves the presence of a number of individuals in the public places, has been echoed in international law, regional standards, and national constitutions throughout the world.
It becomes customary that in different parts of the world people are expressing their grievances/ dissatisfactions and complaints against their governments by peaceful demonstrations and assemblies.  When such nonviolent and peaceful civil rallies are taking, place it should always be the state’s responsibility to respect and guard their citizens’ freedom of peaceful assembly and demonstration. These responsibilities also should apply even during times of political protest, when a state’s power is questioned, challenged, or perhaps undermined by assemblies of citizens practicing in nonviolent resistance.
The 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, articles 29 and 30 also grant these democratic rights to the Ethiopian citizens without distinction[2].  The Right of Thought, Opinion and Expression, The Right of Assembly, Demonstration and Petition are the rights of Ethiopian citizens through which they can express their opinions and dissatisfactions with the performances and activities of their government
However, in the past two decades the current Ethiopian government proved that peaceful assemblies and demonstrations, expression of thoughts are not tolerated. Since the current government came to power in 1991, thousands of citizens who held political agenda different from the ruling party’s were systematically jailed, abducted or killed. Those who criticized the government of Ethiopia including journalists, bloggers, universities and high school students and teachers who took to streets to demand their rights peacefully were beaten, arrested and detained or killed. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa has been reporting in different ways on the systematic human rights violations by the Ethiopian government and its security agents against peaceful demonstrators. These include the recent case of Oromo students from different universities and colleges. The Oromo students were discriminately targeted particularly in the past six years[3].  The current political crises in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia is the continuation of the above facts.  Peaceful protests against the so called the Master plan of  Addis Ababa, which is likely to cause the estimated eviction of around 6 million Oromo  peasants around the area and planed to be sold to the wealthy non-Oromos, should not be considered as  a criminal activity. Instead it should be tolerated and be considered as one of the ways that the citizens can express their thoughts and concerns on the development plan of the government in which they were not consulted and did not give their consent.
The Addis Ababa Expansion-related protests quickly spread around universities, colleges and high schools all over Oromia. And in response, contrary to the provisions in the constitution of the land and international basic and fundamental rights of the citizens, the Ethiopian government launched a brutal crackdown against peacefully demonstrating Oromo students in order to freeze the peaceful demand of the protestors. As a result of this brutal crackdown by special squads, more than 36 students were killed, hundreds wounded and thousands of others arrested and thrown into detentions. The protest against the expansion of Addis Ababa was not limited to students only, but also involved city dwellers, farmers and workers in Oromia. The most affected area was the Ambo Town and its surroundings where 16 University and high school students were killed, including the eight (8) year old boy.
The Ethiopian Government’s atrocities that targeted  the Oromo nation during the nationwide protest from April 24 to May 24, 2014 have been condemned by worldwide human rights organizations, public media, and other civic organizations..
The Human Rights Watch[4], Amnesty International[5], Oromia Suport Group[6], Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa[7], The guardian[8], BBC[9] , CNN[10] and  The Create Trust[11]   are among the organizations which  condemn and reported  the crime against humanity taken against the Oromo nation by Ethiopian armed force.
The Ethiopian Government has repeatedly implemented various excessive forces to dissolve peaceful protests in violations of international treaties it has signed and ratified. The responses to legal, constitutional and peaceful protests should not include actions that violate human rights, such as arbitrary arrests and detentions, even guns or other violence.  HRLH believes many atrocities, that were not reported on due to the tight controls, restrictions, and censorships on all local and international media, are taking place. The Ethiopian Government does not have any justification for the illegality of the protests for taking such brutal action against peaceful and unarmed students and other protestors.   An illegal protest may happen if the protest becomes violent or is in violation of the state’s laws of public order and civility.
Even if some peaceful protests include deliberate acts of civil disobedience, in which case it is permissible for states to make individual arrests of law offenders. However, as recognized by an HRC panel discussion on the matter (A/HRC 19/40)[12], the increasing use of criminal law against protest participants may ultimately contradict the states’ responsibility to uphold the right to peaceful assembly.  In this situation the Ethiopian Government clearly violated the right to legal peaceful protest.
  1. The Ethiopian Government first of all must respect and implement the rights of citizens enshrined in the constitution of the country (1995) and enforce the Ethiopian penal code of 2004
  2. Ethiopia must avoid an excessive force in response to Oromo protests
  3. The Ethiopian Government must abide by all international human rights instruments to which the country is a signatory
  4. The Ethiopian Government must allow a fully independent, civilian-led investigation into the death of Oromo students and civilians including gross human rights violation in Oromia.

WBOn Godina Kibbaa Irraan Sosso’u Kaampii Poolisii Magaalaa Moyyaalee Ganda 02 Keessatti Argamu fi Bakkoota Adda Addaa Weeraruun Kasaara Guddaa Wayyaaneen Irraan Geessisuun Beekame

Hasxaa WBO(Madda Oduu ABO/MOA/Caamsaa 26, 2014) Gumaan barattoota Oromoo fi sabboontota Oromoo FDG fi Falmaa Mirga Abbaa Biyyummaa irratti humnoota faashistii wayyaaneen ajjeefamanii fi qaamaa hir’atanii lafatti hin hafu, ni baafama jechuun Tarkaanfii Haleellaa kan jalqabe Gootichi WBO Godina Kibbaa, dhaadannoo isaa itti fufuun Caamsaa 25,2014 guyyaa kaleessaa mooraalee poolisoota Wayyaanee ummata hiraarsan irratti tarkaanfii fudhatuun hidhattoota diinaa 18 ol hojiin ala gochuu Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa beeksise.

Abdii fi Gaachanni ummata Oromoo WBOn Godina Kibbaa Caamsaa 25,2014 guyyaa kaleessaa halkan keessaa sa’aa 2:00 irratti magaalaa Mooyyalee ganda 02 keessatti kan argamu qubsuma poolisoota Federaalaa sirna Wayyaanee irratti tarkaanfii boonsaa fudhateen kasaaraa guddaa diina irraan gahuu Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa beeksiseera.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Kibbaa tarkaanfii isaa itti fufuun guyyuma kaleessaa jechuun Caamsaa 25,2014 halkan keessaa sa’aa 2:00 irratti Ona Mi’oo magaalaa Iddii Lolaa keessatti kan argamu maadhee poolisoota Oromiyaa irratti tarkaanfii haleellaa geggeesseen kasaaraa du’uu fi madaa’uu diina irraan gahuu Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa hubachiiseera.
Walumaa galatti WBOn Godina Kibbaa tarkaanfilee bakkoota lamaanitti buufataalee poolisoota sirna wayyaanee irratti guyyaa kaleessaa fudhateen hidhattoota/poolisoota sirna wayyaanee 18 ol du’aa fi madoo gochuu fi meeshaalee adda addaa diina irraa buufachuu isaa Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa odeessa injifannoo MOAf ergeen beeksisee jira.

Mootummaan wayyaanee poolisoota/hidhattoota isaa tarkaanfii WBOn du’anii fi madaa’an ija ummataa jalaa dhoksuuf osoo hin bari’in halkanuma sana kan kaase oggaa ta’u, kanneen madaa’an waldhaansaaf gara Finfinneetti akka dabarses beekuun danda’ameera.
Poolisootni/hidhattootni wayyaanee tarkaanfiin irratti fudhatame kun ummataa fi barattootaan FDG qabsiisuuf deemtu jechuun sochii isaanii kan hordofan, kara deemaa cufa mirga sarbuun kan hiraarsan akka ta’an, kana malees maqaa deggertoota ABO ti; WBO isintu nu rukuchiisa jedhuun lammiilee nagaa kan hiraarsan akka ta’an oduun SBO dhaqqabe ifa gochuun, ummatni tarkaanfii fudhatame kanatti haalaan gammaduun, WBO galateeffatee eebbisuu hubachiisa.
Barattootaa fi ummata meesha maleeyyii karaa nagaan ba’anii mirga gaafatan irratti rasaasa roobsuun gocha duguuggii sanyii ummata Oromoo irratti kan raawwate wayyaanee fi ergamtootni isaa martuu gatii kan kaffalan ta’uu WBO Godina Kibbaa dhaadatee, tarkaanfiin bifa fedheetuu bakkaa fi yeroo barbaachise keessatti fudhatamuun kan itti fufu ta’uu diinaafis firaafis ifa godheera.
Dhuma irratti WBOn Godina Kibbaa, ummatni keenya barattootni/dargaggootni/Qeerroon Oromiyaa tarkaanfii gara jabinaa diinni fudhatuun osoo hin rifanne, olola afanfajjessaa fi kan sochii jalqabame irraa duuba deebisuu irratti akeekkate diinni oofuuf osoo bakka hin laatne, falmaa jalqaban cimsanii fi babal’isanii akka itti fufan jechuun yaamicha dabarsee jira.

Friday 23 May 2014

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Oduu gaddisiisaa fi dararmaan mootummaa woyyaaneetiin barattoota oromo irratti godhamaa jiru yuniversitii naqamne adeemsifte jira barattoota Oromo iddoo doormii
Isaani keessatti babala cabsuudhaan woyyaaneen barattoota irratii miidhaa hammana hin jedhamne adeemsifte
Shammarraan6 fi dhiiraa 12 ijoollee 3
Rasaasaan kan dhahman hardha mana yaalaa gadi dhiisaa jedhaiin miidhaa heddu Irraan gahniiru.harkaa fi Oromo isaanii kan cabsaniis jiru akkasum mucaan isiin argitan kun ija isaa miidhamiiru.
Mee yaa obboleeyyan too obboleeyyan keeny kun gargaarsa waan barbaadaniif worri gargaaruu feetan karaa (((inbox)))na gaafadhaa
Karaa ittiin gargaaruu isinii ibsaa akka hin yaalamne waan dodhaniif birri karaa maatii ittiin gala dhabaiiru please obboleeyyan too birmdhaaf mee wol taanee haa gargaaruu!!!!!

Many Saudi-deported Ethiopians ‘caught trying to return’

In December of last year, Saudi deported more than 160,000 Ethiopians working in the kingdom on grounds that they lacked the necessary documentation

chalewMay 21, 2014 (World Bulletin) – Ethiopian authorities have been alarmed by a surge in the number of people previously deported by Saudi Arabia who are trying to return to the oil-rich kingdom despite a government ban on traveling there for work.
Over 1200 would-be migrants were arrested recently as they tried to cross the border into Somaliland, from which traffickers had promised to take them to Yemen by boat and from there to Saudi Arabia, Tassew Chalew, Harari regional state police commander, told Anadolu Agency.
“They were caught in the 30 days since a day before,” Chalew said. “Just three days ago, their number stood at 700.”
According to Chalew, many of those arrested were previously deported by Saudi Arabia for illegal residence.
“Most of them are the same ones who were deported recently from Saudi Arabia,” Chalew, who is also responsible for external relations, told AA.
Saudi Arabia has deported hundreds of thousands of foreign workers since the government introduced new regulations on undocumented workers in March 2013.
In December of last year, Saudi deported more than 160,000 Ethiopians working in the kingdom on grounds that they lacked the necessary documentation.
And although the Ethiopian government claims to have created more than four million new jobs over the last three years, many Ethiopians still appear willing to make the perilous journey through Somalia and Yemen in hopes of finding employment in Saudi Arabia.
Chalew said the arrested immigrants had been returned to their respective families.
“The Ethiopians [who were] prevented from crossing to Somaliland underwent a rehabilitation process offered by the government in collaboration with the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM),” Chalew said.
Source: World Bulletin